Wednesday, August 15, 2012

The Watchman's Call

    August 2012
Ezekiel 3: 16-27
God has given me the Ministry of a Watchman. 
I believe its time that Christians stand up & sound the alarm. 
Jesus is Coming Soon, and we need to be prepared to meet Him. 

End Time Prophecy

With all the Killer Storms, Earthquakes, Wars, Diseases, Shootings, & Apostasy dominating our news Daily.
It is not surprising the recent studies indicate a ballooning interest in END TIME PROPHECY.

The Bible comprrises 30% of its contents, over 300 Referances to END TIME PROPHECY.
With few exceptions, Seminaries don't Teach about it, Preachers don't Preach about it,
so we don't learn or have a understanding about it. 

So my question is WHY don't the Church teach or Christians study more about END TIME PROPHECY?
I believe there are 2 answers to this question, 
Prophecy scares them or Prophecy confuses them.
For Christians it should not be scary or confusing, but a KEY to understanding God's Plans for us.
I want to deal with one subject of End Time Prophecy this Month in my Blog. 
Please get your Bible & read 1 Thessalonians4:13-18, this is the Scripture referancethat I will be referring to.

I know the word RAPTURE is not found in the Bible, however the word [ Caught Up] in vs. 17
in Latan means Rapere which translated in English is Rapture. 
I believe according to this Scripture Referance there will be 5 Events that take place during 
the Rapture. Which I believe could happen at any time........
1. The Lord Himself will descend from Heaven, with a Shout, with a Voice of the Archangel & with the Trump of God
2. The Dead in Christ will rise first
3. We {Christians} we are alive will be caught up with them
4. We will meet the Lord in the Air
5. We will always be with the Lord.
The Rapture and the 2nd. Coming are linked together, however they are 2 seperate events. 
The Raptue will introduce the Tribulation,
The 2nd. Coming will conclude the Tribulation.
The Rapture will be for all Christians dead or alive, from the Day of Pentacost.
The Rapture is based on the Redemption Plan & work at Calvery. 
It is based on Grace not Works. 
I believe there are 3 Passages that you need to study, that proves the Rapture will
Happen before the Tribulation 
Luke 21:20-24, Romans 11:25, Acts 15:12-18

I want to close by saying to Christians, I believe there are 10 things you need to be doing
to be Rapture ready.......

1. Attend Church Faithfully                    Hebrews 10:25
2. Observe the Lord's Supper                1 Corinthians 11:26
3. Love all Believers                                  1 Thessalonians 3 : 12-13
4. Be Patient                                                 James 5:8
5 Live a Pure, Holy Seperated Life     1 John 3:2-3
6.Refrain from being Judgemental     1 Corinthians 4:5
7. Preach the Word                                    2 Timothy 4:1-2
8 Comfort & Build up one another       1 Thessalonians 4:15-17
9 Win Souls for Jesus                                Jude 21-23
10. Be Concerned, Watchful,
      & Prayful about Heaven                     Colossians 3:1-4

God Bless
Rev. Dr. Howard McFarland LCP AR/BC-M, Chaplain

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